

Valerie’s Last Nutri-Tiny!
Oh my, what ever will she do now? >:)

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VALv152 – Valerie’s Last Nutri-Tiny – Valerie dumps her last Nutri-Tiny from the jar, into her hand, teases it a bit then eats her last Tiny capsule, there are no more, ho no! How will she go out dancing with you tonight on only 1 Nutri-Tiny? Valerie hems and haws a bit about attempting a night of dancing and socializing on only a single Nutri-Tiny, I mean she usually takes 3 for a night out!

Valerie decides that going out is a waste of time unless she has at least a 2nd Nutri-Tiny, and as YOU are the only one around, AND she’ll not need you anyway because she can’t go out dancing unless she swallows you… soooooooo…

*Transform Scene* Valerie casts her spell, then pulls a vacant capsule from her bra. How convenient, as she bends down to get you.

Valerie talks to her roommate/dance partner inside the capsule telling him how much nutrition and energy he is going to give her, and not to worry because she’ll be taking him dancing after all >:)

Swallow Scene (YES, Valerie really swallows the tiny figures, and she actually swallows an extra Tiny figure which you can view after the main video is finished playing)

Digestion Scene Valerie talks about the club they’ll be going to and the type of music, and how he’ll be able to hear and experience her whole night with her, but from from the INSIDE! Don’t worry, you’ll likely survive a good 2 weeks inside that capsule, se we’ll be together a lot over the next half month.

RES: 3840 X 2160
TIME: 7:56


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