KADv6+C4S Edition


Vorescort Kadia C4S Edition

Kadia! A beautiful Dark Queen
with a LoooooonG tongue!

Scroll down to see the details.

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KADv6 Vorescort Kadia C4S Version – Due to Kadia’s popularity, she gets ‘the’ call. Yeah, a couple customers in particular weren’t ready to commit to handing over their life savings and possessions to be swallowed alive. Nope, they were waiting for the right giantess, and Kadia is ‘it’ for them.

phone scene:
Rachel calls Kadia and asks if she is ready to become a vorescort (Kadia can use real dialog and feelings to talk about swallowing a living thing) Kadia is nervous but yeah she’s ready to have all that dude’s shit, I mean, she’s swallowed oysters before so it’s probably kinda like that.
Kadia tells Rachel to give the loser her address, and tell that loser to hurry.

door scene:
*knock knock* Kadia opens door and welcomes the POV while licking her lips and looking her prey up and down

shrink scene c4s:
Kadia interviews POV and asks about finances, house, car. Her responses could suggest mediocre but acceptable to be more relatable to the average person watching. Kadia asks if POV has signed the contract, and if POV is ready to be shrunk for swallowing.
Kadia waves her hands and the camera shrinks down
Kadia moves her hand toward the camera as if to grab the tiny

swallow scene:
Kadia teases her tiny by opening her mouth extra wide to show it where it will soon be going
maybe a few big licks from mid tongue to tip
let the tiny slowly slide down out of view before swallowing
Kadia feels the tiny going down and washes it down with some water
(Great Open Mouth Swallow Scene, you can see everything

digestion scene:
Kadia talks to the tiny inside her stomach until she can’t feel him moving anymore.
burps, yawns and nappy time

RES: 3840 X 2160
SIZE: 1.12GB
TIME: 13:08


Kadia Open Mouth Gummy Swallows  – Kadia open mouth swallows gummy bears, wearing thick lip-gloss, dipped in rainbow sprinkles. Gummies just fall down Kadia’s throat and you can see everything because Kadia doesn’t even blink when the gummy passes her uvula *drop* and it’s gone. This clip was Kadia’s warm-up before the real vore began >:)

RES: 3840 X 2160
TIME: 5:15


Large Files: Don’t download to phone, download to computer via Ethernet, Chrome and Firefox are best.  Your download link is generated immediately after checkout and will be on the receipt page. If you have trouble, please send an email justincaseforyou@gmail.com

‘justincaseforyou, inc. will appear on your credit card, or bank statement as the beneficiary of this transaction’