

Claudia’s BIG Package Deal!
2 Main Feature Clips
1 Behind The Scenes & Bloopers

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CLAv111 Vorescort Claudia Comes to YOUR Town – POV/You enter a room where Claudia is hanging out, and eating some pudding. What a surprise to catch Claudia eating, LOL. Claudia says “Hey, and that she recognizes you as a customer. Claudia’s stomach lets out a roar, and she apologizes and continues eating her pudding and tells you about her worldly travels as a Vorescort, but she was told that the best tasting Vorescort clients are in your town, so here she is >:) Claudia explains the rules and she is equiped with a diagram, and a contract that you MUST sign. The contract is no big deal, it just says that you don’t hold VoreWhores responsible for loss of life and property, simple. The diagram illustrates in graphic detail where you will travel before being digested and, well Claudia will explain it all in the video. Claudia’s stomach is making lots of noise the whole time, you can hear it loud and clear.
Once you’ve have signed, Claudia transforms you into something she can easily swallow, a goldfish.
There you lay, flapping and flopping on the floor as Clauida’s giant mouth gobbles you up from the floor and spits you into her cup of water. Claudia wants to be sure you understand what’s about to go down, or maybe she just wants to tease you, either way you get a tour of your own personal ‘mouth of doom’, she glides you down her throat, then to her stomach so you can hear it growling for GOLDFISH!
Claudia decides it’s time to fill her belly, so she takes you from her cup and drops you into her mouth. Claudia plays with you a bit, but you jump out back into the cup. Why? You’re paying for this service, so stop resisting and get what you came here for.
With that Claudia swallows you down, then there’s a long digestion scene before Claudia takes her belly full of you for a ride in her new car (your old car >:)

RES: 3840 X 2160
SIZE: 1.13GB
TIME: 15:30


CLAv112 Vorescort Claudia Comes to YOUR Town C4S Version – The clip up to the shrink scene is identical to clav111, but instead of Claudia picking a goldfish off the floor with her mouth, she envelopes the 5 inch tall version of you. Claudia shows you where you’re going, slides into her mouth, head first.
Claudia stops tasting you because she feels obligated to go over the details one more time, not that it will make any difference, she just likes to be sure she has her legal protection. Then she slides you down the outside of her throat, and rests you on her stomach which is still growling.
Claudia can’t wait any longer and she puts you into her mouth, and pushes you farther and farther until
Claudia digests for a while, then has a burst of energy (probably because of you) and she takes you for a ride in her new car (your old car)

RES: 3840 X 2160
TIME: 10:12


CLAv111-112bts Claudia’s Bloopers and Behind The Scenes – This clip has 2 blooper scenes from clav111 and Claudia’s trips to the tank. There are 2 trips to the tank because Claudia went back to the tank later for second clip that is separate from this clip package. The editor included it by mistake.

RES: 3840 X 2160
TIME: 10:12

Large Files: Don’t download to phone, download to computer via Ethernet, Chrome and Firefox are best.  Your download link is generated immediately after checkout and will be on the receipt page. If you have trouble, please send an email

‘justincaseforyou, inc. will appear on your credit card, or bank statement as the beneficiary of this transaction’