
Charlotte in ‘Table Manners’
Charlotte Slurps Fish
From The Glass Table

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CHAR24v3 – Charlotte in ‘Table Manners’ – The clip begins with Charlotte walking to the tank, for the ‘HUNT’. Charlotte selects 10 tiny victims and drops them into a cup for easy swallowing. Charlotte takes her prey over to the table and tells her victims what they’re in store for. One by one, Charlotte takes a victim from the cup and drops it onto the table. Charlotte uses her giant mouth to slurp her prey from the table, throw her head back and open mouth swallow it. A few of her victims couldn’t seem to wait and they flipped and flopped right down her throat all by themselves. It’s like free food for Charlotte. Volunteers taste the best!

Crazy too is that the fish are all watching what happens and they put up more of a fight with each fish they see get swallowed… it’s like they see and know what’s coming!

Charlotte saves her biggest victim for last because she wanted to be sure she had room after all that food… oh, and she had plenty of room. She swallows the biggest one and she can really feel it… I guess Charlotte has a thing where most of her food gets kinda stuck in one place in her esophagus, but then it clears and goes down. So, that happened with the fish and because it was a bigger fish, she could really feel it’s frantic movements. Charlotte also feels the big guy in her stomach, but not for long as it must have burned up within a few minutes I’m sure of it.

There’s a long digestion scene because Jim wanted to be sure that he was rolling while the fish were all freshly in of her.

RES: 3840 X 2160
SIZE: 1.79GB
TIME: 24:40

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