
Charlotte’s “Dangling Delectables”

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CHAR24v10 – Charlotte’s “Dangling Delectables” – Charlotte is always hungry but has no money, that’s why she loves working with Rachel. Charlotte can usually call Rachel to fed and paid, but not today…

Charlotte has driven all the way to the studio and calls Rachel to let her know she’s come to eat, but Rachel answers her cell phone from New York! Charlotte is so disappointed because she was sure she was gonna eat some fish. Well, Charlotte is already in the studio parking lot, so she thinks maybe she’ll check to see if the door is unlocked by some miracle. *jiggle jiggle jiggle*, nope it’s locked. Charlotte saw a guy pick a lock in a movie once using a credit card…

It worked Charlotte is in! Charlotte turns the lights on and scans the studio for a fish bowl.. ah, and there it is, and it has a bunch fish in it too! YAY!
Charlotte grabs the bowl and heads inside to get comfy and enjoy her meal.

Before Charlotte starts to eat, she takes off all those winter clothes and strips down to a sports bra and panties. One by one Charlotte hunts for, captures, then dangles her victim over her wide open mouth and drops her snacks onto her tongue so they can slide into her waiting throat, or in a few cases the fish gets dropped right down her throat and it’s spectacular.

The dialog of this clip is Charlotte drinking water so they can last a long time and party together inside her, and the fish in the bowl will watch to see what happens to their friends and the fear in their eyes is real, as if they really did see and know they’re next. Charlotte even calls them out on it and asks why they’re acting so scared.

Charlotte swallows 8 of her tiny snacks and saves 2 so they can spend the next several hours anticipating her return to the bowl for another snack >)
Charlotte naps with her stomach in plain view of her 2 final victims in the bowl.

This clip is over 33 mins long, so we cut into 2 parts for easier downloads

Part 1
RES: 3840 X 2160
SIZE: 1.91GB
TIME: 16:49

Part 2
RES: 3840 X 2160
SIZE: 1.88GB
TIME: 16:39


CHAR24v10BTS – Charlotte’s Bloopers & Smoke Break – This clip contains raw footage of Charlotte smoking and checking her phone, and bloopers.

RES: 3840 X 2160
TIME: 7:35

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