
Beverly’s ‘Walk The Plank’ SFX!
The Tiny is played by a girl we’re calling Pepper
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BEVv152SFX – Beverly in, ‘Walk The Plank!’ – This clip begins with a BURP! A burp right in the face of Beverly’s Tiny roommate. Beverly was annoyed that her roommate is too lazy to help around the house, and she decides she’s had enough, so Beverly shrinks her roommate. Beverly shows her Tiny roommy how clean the kitchen is, and she plans to keep it that way by swallowing her lazy, messy, and now Tiny roommate. Beverly tries to convince her now tiny roommy that this is a good thing because Beverly’s stomach will be like a warm bubble bath. Beverly takes in a BIG whiff of her Tiny.. mmmmmm, smells yummy. After a lot of teasing and taunting, Beverly eats her Tiny off the stick and swallows it *GULP* Beverly relishes her meal and retires to the couch to digest. Bevely burps and yawns a lot in last few minutes before falling off into a digestion nap.

The Tiny is played by a girl we’re calling Pepper (but her stage name is Natalia and she does a lot of giantess stuff)

RES: 3840 X 2160
SIZE: 1.31GB
TIME: 11:03

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